What is an au-pair?

An au-pair lives for an agreed period of 3-12 months in your family with the objective to study the foreign language and to gain experience in childcare and housekeeping work. In reward the family receives childcare/ babysitting and easy housekeeping tasks for low costs.

From experience we can recommend this concept of childcare as enrichment for your entire family. The au-pair adapts to your working times and private interests with a high level of flexibility. Furthermore it offers time to spend an evening or weekend with your partner and friends, while the au-pair takes care of your kids.

Our au-pairs are primarily Swiss from the canton Tessin and from the French speaking part and are well selected by our company. The average age is between 17-24 years and they have finished the obligatory school. They are willing to support you with the childcare and are happy to live in your family in order to improve their language skills. Ein Au-pair lebt für einen vereinbarten Zeitraum von 3-12 Monaten in Ihrer Familie mit dem Ziel eine Fremdsprache zu erlernen und Fähigkeiten im Haushalt und in der Kinderbetreuung zu erwerben. Als Gegenleistung erhält die Gastfamilie Kinderbetreuung und leichte Haushaltsarbeiten zu geringen Kosten.

What are the advantages of an au-pairs?

1. The au-pair lives in your family and can flexible adapt to your personal childcare requirements.

2. The au-pair can also cover evening- and weekend-babysitting. Additional working time has to be compensated.

3. Childcare with an au-pair ist cost-efficient, as costs and housing is integrated in the net salary. Contracts can be based on 30-40 horus per week, depending on the family demand.

4. We will find you an au-pair, which fits to your family situation and demands for the desired duration of stay. Usually an au-pair stay 3-12 months.

What are the obligatory rules for a host-familiy?

1. The host-family must offer the au-pair an own, furnished and lockable room with daylight.

2. The host-family has to guarantee that one part of the parents will not exceed the absence of 60%.

3. The host-family has to guarantee the au-pair the visit of a language school 2x2 hours/week (costs are carried by au-pairs in case of Swiss nationality).

4. Host-parents must introduce the au-pair to the childcare and easy housework tasks in the family.