Who is Mrs Doubtfire?

Caroline Studer - Nanny Service

The managing director and proprietor of Mrs Doubtfire is Caroline Studer - 35 years old, a trained solicitor, married and the mother of two sons. After studying in Fribourg, Caroline Studer worked for many years for Credit Suisse and Migros in the fields of sports and cultural sponsoring. She was then involved in building up the Swiss branch of a German consultancy firm, with particular responsibility for personnel management, recruiting, support and administration. During her pregnancy and after the birth of her first son, the idea developed to found Mrs Doubtfire. Today, Mrs Doubtfire employs 3 full-time and part-time workers and a growing number of nannies, babysitters and au-pairs. Caroline Studer ist responsible for nanny placements and all legal services offered by Mrs Doubtfire.

Gesine Burkhalter - Au-pair Service

Responsible for the au-pair business is Mrs. Gesine Burkhalter – age 36, BA (Hons) Business Administration, married and mother of three daughters. After her studies at the European Business School in London and Paris she worked for nine years for the international consumer goods company Unilever in Switzerland. At Unilever she worked in different positions responsible for Marketing and Trade Marketing. After the birth of her third child and after several enriching experiences with the employment of Swiss au-pairs she decided to build up the new au-pair business segment at Mrs Doubtfire. Gesine Burkhalter is responsible for the selection of Swiss au-pairs, as well as for the placement of au-pairs in host-families.

Our Philosophy

We decided to create “Mrs Doubtfire” when we, ourselves mothers, were looking for the best solution for combining our professional goals, our private wishes and our family. We did not want to completely give up our professional/social lives, but on the other hand, we were also not prepared to put the as yet fragile balance of our family at risk in order to do so.

We wanted the perfect and tailormade solution for our family situation. Our objective is to support you in optimising your work-life balance. Only when parents are secure in the knowledge that their children are receiving responsible and reliable care, they can free their minds for their professional goals or private desires. We see it as our task to facilitate this balance and find the best fitting solution for your family situation.