Welcome to Mrs Doubtfire

Are you looking for an au-pair or a nanny in the area of Zurich, Zug or Lucerne?

Nanny Service

Are you looking for a nanny who will care for your child with love, and encourage it playfully in a manner suited to its age? Do you wish, at the same time, to be assured that your darlings are receiving only the best possible care that is available outside the family?

At Mrs Doubtfire you will find qualified nannies, checked by us, to take care of your little ones. Nannies can either be placed with you or hired out on a temporary basis. (Refer to “our services”).

Have you already found your nanny but are not sure how to proceed as a future employer? We draw up an employment contract in line with your expectations and arrange all of the administrative necessities for you.

Au-pair Service

Are you a family who likes to accommodate an au-pair and to support her to improve her language skills? Mrs Doubtfire GmbH offers you this possibility.

An au-pair lives for an agreed period of 3-12 months in your family with the objective to study the foreign language and to gain experience in childcare and housekeeping work. In reward the family receives childcare/ babysitting and easy housekeeping tasks for low costs (see "our services").