Au-pair Placement

Are you a family who likes to accommodate an au-pair and to support her to improve her language skills? In reward the family receives childcare/ babysitting and easy housekeeping tasks for low costs. Mrs Doubtfire GmbH offers you selected au-pairs.

In the event of a successful au-pair placement:
- including a tailored employment contract
- including the organisation and all the requisite registration activities and insurance arrangements
- placement fee of min. CHF 999.- to max. CHF. 1'499.-, depending on duration of stay and working time

Price: CHF 999.- to 1'499.-

Nanny Placement

You seek a nanny who has been professionally checked by a solicitor or legal expert. In addition, you would also like a specialist to take care of all the administrative work so that you need only sign the contract.

Mrs Doubtfire will get in touch with you, discuss your requirements with you, search for the right nanny and recommend a suitable and carefully checked carer to you.

In the event of a successful placement:
- including a tailored employment contract
- including the organisation and all the requisite registration activities and insurance arrangements
- placement fee of min. CHF 999.- to max. CHF. 4999.-, dependent on the gross salary of the nanny.

Price: CHF 999.- to 4'999.-

Nanny Hire

You seek a nanny but on a minimal basis. Hiring is the simplest way in which to appoint a nanny because the nanny is employed by Mrs Doubtfire and we simply hire the nanny out to you (from a minimum tenure of 20%). You simply need to pay the invoice from Mrs Doubtfire at the end of the month and have no further administrative obligations.

Mrs Doubtfire will get in touch with you, discuss your requirements with you, search for the right nanny and recommend a suitable and carefully checked carer to you.

Everything from a single source:
- Free search
- Assumption of all monthly legal and administrative tasks
- Assumption of all costs that arise on the part of the employer and employee such as AHV & IV insurances / occupational pension / accident insurance / sickness benefit , any withholding tax, etc.
- Prices are dependent on the experience and references of the nanny as well as her age and the role and inclued any sosocial contributions on the part of the employer and employee (4 weeks holiday pay, AHV & IV insurances/occupational pension/accident insurance/sickness benefit and further contributions (e.g. withholding tax) as well as 8% sales tax)

Price: CHF 28.- to 40.- per working hour of the nanny (all incl.)

Law and administration

You have found an au-pair or a nanny yourself but you do not know what obligations the employer is required to fulfil?

1. Information pack: Mrs Doubtfire will provide you with a detailed and tailored information pack. It will contain explanations on the procedure when employing a member of staff, with all of the necessary and recommended registrations and insurances as well as advice tailored to your personal needs and circumstances. Price CHF. 199.-

2. Employment contract: Mrs Doubtfire works together with you to formulate a contract tailored to your personal needs. Price CHF 299.-

3. Employment contract & undertaking administrative tasks: Mrs Doubtfire generates a tailored employment contract and organises all of the requisite registrations and insurance cover necessary for the employment of the carer. Price CHF 679.-